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In Ontario, the types of wasps that are a huge concern to residents of Ontario are yellow-jackets and hornets due to their reputation for aggressive behaviour and rapid-fire stinging habits.

Despite their aggressiveness, yellow-jackets are highly beneficial insects as they are important predators of insect pests that can devastate agricultural crops and ornamental plants. However, towards the end of the summer when insect numbers begin to fall and their food supplies dwindle, yellow-jackets turn to scavenging. They particularly like to hang around humans, and you may find yourself struggling to keep the wasps away when barbecuing or eating food outside.

Yellow-jackets are also very aggressive when defending their nests, which are usually located at ground level or in small cavities close to the ground. Many people get stung while mowing the lawn when they accidentally run over a yellow jacket nest, not realizing it was there.

Nests are usually active for just one season, and at the end of the summer the colony and old queen dies off, and a newborn, recently inseminated queen flies away to hide in a hollow log, leaf litter, under bark or hidden deep in soil cavities until the warm days of spring tempt her out to lay her eggs and start up a new colony.

Yellow-jacket nests can grow enormous in just one short summer, sometimes containing up to as many 5,000 workers, breeding males, and 15,000 larvae cells.

Controlling yellow-jackets and other wasps is a job best left to our professionals at Imperial Pest Control. Our technicians have the required protective clothing, soothing smoke equipment, and wide experience to know how to effectively exterminate a nest without getting stung.


Both bees and wasps have different body and leg structures. Bees have hairy bodies and legs, while wasps have smooth bodies and legs. Bees have a more round body shape, while wasps are more cylindrical. Their feeding habits are also very different. Bees collect pollen from flowers and plants, while wasps are predatory creatures and will attack and feed on other insects.

When wasps sting, their stinger is laced with venom. For most people, this venom may cause a welt to form around where they were stung. Pain and swelling will go away within several hours. People who have allergic reactions to wasp stings may cause worse symptoms to appear, or it will take longer for the welt to go away.

Paper wasps will find weathered wood from fences or porches, and will chew it up, mix it with their saliva, to form a pulp. The worker wasps will use this pulp to build a nest consisting of hundreds of small hexagon-shaped cells. The completed nest will consist of around 200 cells.



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