At Imperial Pest Control, we remove wildlife from your property and get it back to where they belong – in the wild!
We have developed effective and humane methods to remove unwelcome wildlife invaders and relocate them back into their rightful ecosystems. Our techniques cause minimum stress to the animals, and will not harm or injure them. We don’t have to use toxic chemicals either, which keeps your property safe and healthy for your family, friends, and employees.
Once your property is wildlife free, our technicians close off places they could re-enter, and carry out a damage inspection survey to highlight areas that need to be cleaned and repaired. We inspect your insulation, vapour barriers, and all other areas that your wildlife visitor may have contaminated with nests, feces, food, or animal carcasses.
We offer recommendations for clean up and damage repairs, and will point out why we think your property seemed tempting to wildlife in the first place. We find that often, only simple preventative measures are needed to stop animals from moving in with you again.
Our wildlife removal methods are effective for raccoons, squirrels, skunks, birds, geese, bats, groundhogs, opossums, snakes, foxes, rats, and other rodents.
Imperial’s trained, licensed and bonded technicians are proud of their sincere focus on environmentally friendly and humane wildlife containment, removal and prevention.
Remember – our pest and other wildlife control surveys, advice and estimates are free!