

There are 100,000 different species of flies that live all around the world. Generally, most flies all have the same body features: a small body, a smaller head, and a large set of wings. Not only are these insects annoying, but they also carry bacteria and other pathogens that contribute to serious diseases like typhoid, tuberculosis, cholera, and dysentery.

One of the most common types of flies that appear in homes are house flies. The presence of a large amount of flies in your home usually indicates that there may be an area of your house that has exposed garbage or food. They are commonly a dull grey colour and are usually 5-7 mm long. A female housefly will usually deposit more than 100 eggs at a time, often laying 600-1000 eggs throughout their whole life.

Another species of fly that is common in homes are fruit flies. They are tan in overall colour and are very tiny, ranging only 3-4 mm in length. These types of flies are attracted to rotting fruits and vegetables, alcohol, sugary foods and drinks, and other decomposing organic material. They are most commonly found in kitchens and other areas where garbage tends to build up. Drain flies are a type of fly often found in kitchens or bathrooms. They enjoy moist environments, and feed off of drain-build up and sewage. Drain flies are described as being 3-5 mm in size, and are often compared to moths. A female drain fly can lay anywhere from 200-300 eggs, and the eggs will usually hatch within 48 hours. It’s important to get a fly infestation under control as quickly as possible due to how quickly their population can grow out of control. At Imperial Pest Control, we have the skills and experience necessary to help you manage your fly infestation in your homes or businesses, and help you prevent them from coming back.


Houseflies tend to feed on rotting organic matter, like fruit, vegetables, garbage, and more. They are attracted to smelly areas, so kitchens and garbage areas are their main target.

The total lifespan of flies varies between the different species of flies. Houseflies tend to live 21-117 days, fruit flies live 35-61 days and drain flies live 17-31 days.

Houseflies don’t have teeth, and the only way they can consume food is by soaking liquids up with their sponge-like tongue. Beverages and other liquids are no issue for flies, however, with solid foods, it doesn’t work the same. So flies use digestive enzymes on their tongue, and use regurgitated food, to help break down the food source they want to consume. This leaves food a sloppy mess as after the food is broken down, flies slurp up as much food as they can.



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